Sunday, November 14, 2010

Adding a new collaborator in github

Adding a new collaborator in github

Step1 : Open github
Step2 : Select the project (as a administrator).
Step3 : Click on the repository URL
Step4 : Click on the Admin button
Step5 : Select Private
Step6 : Click on "Add another collaborator" link
Step7 : Enter collaborator github account name.

Installing jdk and setting java path in ubuntu

Installing Java
step 1: Open Synaptic
step 2: Type sun in search box
step 3: select sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-jdk, sun-java6-fonts, sun-java6-bin

Setting Java path :
step 1: "which java" command gives the place where its installed , /usr/bin/java
step 2: open bashrc file and add java path,
#nano ~/.bashrc
add the java path,
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
step 3:Execute the bashrc file
#source ~/.bashrc
step 4:check if java is compiling successfully,
This command should leave all the details of successful compilation

Amazon RDS installation and configuration on ubuntu

Amazon RDS(Relational Database Service)
Prerequisite : Account on

Installation :
Step 1: Download Amazon RDS command line tool kit
Step 2: Unzip the files to a location, I kept in /opt/RDSCli-1.1.005
Step 3: Create a credential file in RDSCli-1.1.005 folder
#cd RDSCli-1.1.005
Create a credential file as credential-file-path.conf
Step 4: credential-file-path.conf has access key and secret access key info as,
Step 5: Configure ~/.bashrc as
export AWS_RDS_HOME=/opt/RDSCli-1.1.005
export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=$AWS_RDS_HOME/credential-file-path.conf
Step 6: Execute the bashrc file as,
# source ~/.bashrc
Step 7: To see that the command line toolkit is setup correctly type $rds—help

EC2 API Tools Installation

EC2 API tools serve as client interface for Amazon EC2 web service. One can use these tools to register and launch instances.

Installation on Ubuntu:

# apt-get install ec2-api-tools

Firefox extension for Amazon EC2

step 1: Download and Install the Firefox Extension for Amazon EC2 from

step 2: Run the extension, Launch Firefox and click on Tools/EC2 UI menu

step 3: Register your credentials with the plugin, Click on the “Credentials” button in the top left of the window. Enter your Account Name.Your Account Name needs to

match your username on the AWS developer site. Then enter your Access Key and Secret Key (these can be found when you log into the Amazon Web Services home page


step 4: View the list of available AMIs.

About Me

Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent and intellectual